Mission Statement

According to our point of view, Light Planning is more than creating standardized intensities of light. We see light and illumination as a process of communication between humans and their environment. We know of the emotional importance of light and consider it while planning.

The methods of cognitive science and operative lighting design enable us to develop suitable solutions in cooperation with our clients.

The available daylight is always the source of our analysis. The architecture of the building, the human behaviour in perception and the phenotype of facilities play a mayor role in the selection and positioning of lights during the planning process.

Our services include day as well as artificial lighting design. Due to methodological reasons, these are considered separately during the initial phases. As early as possible the interaction between daylight and artificial light is considered during the planning process.

The concepts developed this way are verified and refined in subsequent planning stages by using sophisticated processes. We use our expertise for reaching the ultimate goal of finding suitable solutions for our customers.

The simplicity of our office structure and the logic of our way of working should ensure the comprehensibility of complex tasks for all parties involved in the planning process, especially the customer.

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